Inspiring News
Govt of India, Ministry of Education, Department of Higher Education, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore has recently launched a project namely *Bharatavani Project.* Under this project, the mentioned institutions have also launched *Bharatavani Portal.*
The nodal agency of the project, Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL) has sent letter and email to Ananda Marga Pracarak Samgha to provide all *Hindi and Bangla books of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji,* which will be converted into soft copy which will be uploaded to Bharatvanii portal. Accordingly, AMPS has provided more than 100 books in Bangla language and 152 books in Hindi language.
A proper legal agreement between CIIL and Ananda Marga Pracharaka Samgha are as follows: Nobody can download PDF or soft copy of any books from Bharatavani Portal. There will be no commercial use of given books and copyright will remain exclusively with AMPS, as it is. The purpose of this project is to provide material to any research scholar, who wish to read and research on Shrii Shrii Ananadamurtijii’s book. Even common people, those who are interested to read Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji's works, can use Bharatvani Portal.
*This is truly a great recognition of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii's multifarious contribution to the society and a great achievement of organisation as well.*