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Today, talk on Neohumanestic Education at Govt B.Ed college C Shambhaji Nagar ( Aurangabad). Attended by many students, the Principal, lectures, staff, and a few of my colleagues' local advocates.
Govt of India, Ministry of Education, Department of  Higher Education, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore has recently launched a project namely *Bharatavani Project.* Under this project, the mentioned institutions have also launched *Bharatavani Portal.*
गोरखपुर भुक्ति में नारायण  सेवा*   ----------------------------------
New beginning in Skill Development for Rural Youth in Anandanagar*
आनन्द मार्ग प्रचारक संघ छिबरामऊ कन्नौज, डायसिस फतेहगढ़ , छिबरामऊ भुक्ति की तरफ से देवयान के जन्मदिन के उपलक्ष पर नारायण सेवा का आयोजन किया गया
*Dana Cyclone relief by AMURT/ AMURTEL in Balasore, Kendrapara and Bhadrak Districts of Odisha.*  *Dear Brothers and Sisters*  *Namaskar*  *Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team ( AMURT / AMURTEL) has been rendering services to the Cyclone victims in Odisha for last one week.
SSAC-आनंदनगर ने डिस्ट्रिक्ट फुटबॉल लीग में रनर-अप का खिताब हासिल किया
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